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Speed Dating
How Speed Dating works?
You will have up to 15 mini speed dates during the night, each one lasting about 4-5 minutes. After each date, you will circle yes or no on your scorecard as to whether or not you would be interested in corresponding with that person further. At the end of the evening you will turn in your scorecard for us to tally. The next morning you will receive an email letting you know who you matched with. The email will provide you with the person's first name and email address and they will get your first name and email address. We even let you know the one way matches (they picked you, but you didn't pick them), just in case you change your mind.

Thus far 70-80% of the participants leave the event with at least one match (meaning that you picked a person and they picked you too.

FAQ - What can I learn about someone in 5 minutes?
Plenty! The five minutes is not meant to determine if this person will be the love of your life. The time is meant to help you determine if their is ANY interest in getting to know the person better. If you are not sure, you can always circle yes and correspond afterwards.

FAQ- What do we talk about in 5 minutes?
Most people may ask the typical... Where are you from? What do you do for work? How do you like to have fun? This can get tiring after a few people asking the same questions. If you want to stand out, you may want to ask some different type questions that helps dig a little. Examples might be... What is the last thing that made you smile? How would your friends describe you? How would you spend a typical Sunday? or Where are we going on vacation?

That being said, if you have any specific deal breakers, you certainly can sprinkle that into the conversation. So if you know that you would not date a smoker, then ask.... Or if you do not want to come right out and ask, you can guide the conversation in that direction.

Our Style of Speed Dating
Each company has their own style of running a speed dating event. With Weekenddating.com events, we send the results to you within 12-14 hours of the event, sometimes sooner. Other companies require you to log into a database and enter in your matches. This can cause a delay in getting your results as participants may take their time with entering in the results, or not doing it at all.

Weekenddating requires proof of age at the events. My belief is that it is not fair to advertise one thing and deliver another. We do give a little flexibility... 18 to 24 month grace, but other than that, take a hard line on the ages. Other companies are more lax on the age requirements.

One Way matches are included in the results provided to you after an event. This gives you a second chance to reach out to someone who may have picked you, but you did not initially pick them. YES! This has actually resulted in a few extra marriages. Speaking of marriages, as of June 2018, we have 68 married couples who met through WeekendDating.

If you have any other questions about how the results run, feel free to give Jay a call at 718-757-6933.

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